Home About


Hi, my name is Jialiang Chen and I’m currently pursuing a master’s degree in computer science, Zhejiang Univeristy. My research interests include Machine Learning & Deep Learning. I’m doing research about Code Intelligence Tasks with LLM.


Here are some projects I got involved


Graduate’s Degree: Computer Science, Zhejiang University, 2022.9-now

Bachelor’s Degree: Computer Science, Zhejiang University, 2017.9-2019.6 & 2020.9-2022.6

Exchange Student: Computer Science, Simon Fraser University, 2019.9-2020.6

Intern Experience

Backend Engineer: Data Integration & Data Services, Alibaba Dataphin, 2021.06-2021.09

A little bit more…

Alongside computer, my other interests & hobbies are:

  • play overwatch
  • watch movie
  • play volleyball

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